Your business is moving to cloud-based services and alongside its many great benefits, your organisation becomes more and more vulnerable to the outside world. Most of today’s online environments are only secured by a username and password, making them an easy target for hackers.
CM Secure is helping enterprises verifying the identity of their users with cutting edge technology by making the process of securing an online environment as simple, efficient and stress-free a possible.
CM Authenticator is an easy to use authentication solution that ensures the identity of your online users by adding an extra factor of authentication via the mobile phone. With this app you can connect to the online environment you like to protect with a two-factor-authentication and approve or deny any login attempt.
For more information about the implementation of the CM Authenticator API onto your web portal, please refer to
Bisnis Anda pindah ke layanan berbasis cloud dan di samping banyak manfaat yang besar, organisasi Anda menjadi lebih dan lebih rentan terhadap dunia luar. Sebagian besar lingkungan online hari ini hanya dijamin dengan username dan password, membuat mereka menjadi sasaran empuk bagi para hacker.
CM Secure membantu perusahaan memverifikasi identitas pengguna mereka dengan teknologi yang mutakhir dengan membuat proses mengamankan lingkungan online yang sederhana, efisien dan bebas dari stres mungkin.
CM Authenticator adalah mudah untuk menggunakan solusi otentikasi yang menjamin identitas pengguna online Anda dengan menambahkan faktor tambahan otentikasi via ponsel. Dengan aplikasi ini Anda dapat terhubung ke lingkungan online Anda ingin melindungi dengan dua faktor-otentikasi dan menyetujui atau menolak setiap upaya login.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang pelaksanaan API CM Authenticator ke portal web Anda, silakan lihat
Your business is moving to cloud-based services and alongside its many great benefits, your organisation becomes more and more vulnerable to the outside world. Most of today’s online environments are only secured by a username and password, making them an easy target for hackers.
CM Secure is helping enterprises verifying the identity of their users with cutting edge technology by making the process of securing an online environment as simple, efficient and stress-free a possible.
CM Authenticator is an easy to use authentication solution that ensures the identity of your online users by adding an extra factor of authentication via the mobile phone. With this app you can connect to the online environment you like to protect with a two-factor-authentication and approve or deny any login attempt.
For more information about the implementation of the CM Authenticator API onto your web portal, please refer to